Sunday, September 30, 2012


Nothing says creeper like getting offered a box of Altoids

The king of all hints

Getting offered an Altoid is the easiest way to say "get away from me you creep"

So you were just offered an Altoid huh?

Well go shave your porn stache, take off your trench coat, ball cap, sunglasses, church socks and teva's

And go put on something that doesn't scream "Hi your cute, let me show you my van, its just back here behind the liquor store.

Now I'm just rambling but honestly if someone offers you anything for your breath,

Your either gettin' some, or they are blowing the pre-rape whistle!

Cut your loses, and run.


  1. how did you get inspiration for this...? 0_o

  2. I like it. hah. It makes me think of dark basements with brown wood panneling, and plad fabric.

  3. a hot girl at mutual yesterday offerd me an altoid :(
